Jan 1, 2010

The New Years Post.

These are some New Year's thoughts a~la me, in list form...

Top things I've been reminded of in '09 (in no particular order)

1. God made me, I'm worth it.
2. Caffeine is bad... very, very bad.
3. Meet others where they are.
4. God does give us everything we need for life
and Godliness...when we need it, not when we want it.
5. Stop barking up the wrong tree. Not only is it useless, it's life sucking.
6. The holes in the top of the ladder are there for a very good reason...
7. I have some of the best friends, a girl could ever ask for.
8. When God speaks to you, don't fight it, just do it....really.
9. Your family deserves more than your left overs.
10. Disneyland still is the happiest place on earth.
11. Life is all about choices.
12. No regrets. Just lessons learned.
13. My Jesus is beyond amazing...so are my husband and kids.
14. I have to create things. It's a must.
15. I love all things that sparkle.

Top things that I want to do in 2010 (in no particular order either)

1. live in the middle. I've mastered the extremes.
2. love my husband and children the way they need it, not the way I want to do it.
3. let my BFF and faithful companion, the 44 ounce plastic cup of life giving diet coke, become a thing of the past.
4. learn how to take better pictures.
5. always choose joy, or at least most of the time.
6. be ok with not being the woman I want to be....yet.
7. parasail on Lake Tahoe.
8. weigh what my drivers license says I do.
9. learn how to be still.
10. become passionate about drinking water.
11. find a deeper understanding of the heart of Jesus.
12. be able to embrace those that I do not understand.
13. get to bed at a decent hour.
14. distress an armoire.
15. learn how to set realistic goals...

Happy New Year.



  1. Darc - these are beautiful - goodbye 2009 and welcome 2010......! Cheers to the year gone by and to the one ahead!! xoxo

  2. mmmm these are great, really really like!


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