Jan 6, 2010

Day 54. Let's Plan It.

Oh, back at it today. Unfortunately insomnia, lurking shadows outside of Emma's door, and snoring husbands, made last's night sleep incredibly brief. To make matters worse, because of my insane idea of quitting caffeine, sugar, and carbs cold turkey on Sunday morning....I am miserable. Self induced misery is sometimes the worst kind. I read that if you taper of caffeine slowly that you can do it with very little discomfort, but the critics of that plan state that if you go cold turkey you will see just how very bad you feel. This will hopefully show you what caffeine is doing to your body and increase your chances of staying off the stuff. I personally don't care about any of that right now. I am so tired, walking around in a cloud, ridiculous muscle aches, and just wanting to sleep for weeks. I hear that 9 days is the maximum these symptoms can last. I have just completed day 4.

I am slowly taking back control of my spun out life, my house, my health, my schedule, etc. This inevitably would have been my phase in life right now, but how convenient that it falls around New Years. I will take full advantage of my clean calendar and fill it with things that matter the most. I am in the middle of planning our field trips, school days, and holidays for the rest of the school year. Also we are looking forward to beginning family nights again this Thursday. Read about those here. I am also planning some house projects, and all the while trying to take things slowly. I have no reason to rush. My top priorities right now are school and my health. My health plan is all laid out for the next 12 weeks. This caffeine removal from my life is phase one. I already do feel empowered.

I am working on a system to try and condense the trips to the grocery store, Target, and Costco. Perhaps visit them once a week ? I wonder what that would be like. I am also trying to figure out when to schedule in the house chores. The beauty of this all is that between quitting my job and being home so much more with school...this is for the first time in a long time, this actually could be all doable. How lovely.

We started off school today working on our Christmas Thank You Notes. Target sells some fun stationary that allows coloring around the edges of it. The kids all worked on that while I addressed the envelopes. The thank you's will get written tomorrow night and they should be in the mail Friday.

Emma was particularly thrilled to be back at her desk. She did lots of worksheets today. Her favorite thing to do, still remains cutting and pasting. She got some great new books for Christmas. I am a bit concerned though regarding her developmental process....she was insistant that the tops of these sail boats pictured above, look identical to a "bunch of butts"....

Now there is just 116 school days left until summer.

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