Jan 23, 2010

The Minority Report. wk 1.

And so it goes….a staggering 67% of American’s are overweight. Due to my love of being in the minority, I am going to become non overweight. I have contemplated writing on this topic for a couple months now. Since I have seen such huge benefits of blogging other topics: accountability for me, relating to others, and even possibly helping someone else. It’s a win win. So here goes…
I have worked every trick, done every diet, and jumped on every bandwagon there is. I have had a life long battle…not with my weight (until recently), but always with food. Food has been the enemy. You eat as little as possible. I was very good at that for many years. Combine that with competition level cheer and dance, and well, all was good. Fast forward many years to mid thirties, post three babies, wife, mother, overachiever, demanding job, ministry work, school volunteer, housekeeper, chef, and ceo of my home….hello unsuccessful. My vices no longer work and I am unhappy with the results.
And you know why? I don’t feel good. I feel old and yucky. Lazy and sluggish. Stressed and tired. I refuse to think that is how God has designed this magnificent body I’m living in to feel. Therefore, I need to make some MAJOR changes and start treating it correctly.
So, I will change. This means I get off the road of quick fixes and unhealthy behavior and jump on the road of the sane, slow, and healthy. I will tackle one thing at a time. It’s gonna be slow….and surely irritating. The results are farther away, but better. I have mastered the extremes, I have. I can go weeks eating Atkins, do 10 week boot camps of 90 min of exercise 6 times a week, but then I stop. To achieve the results that I want for myself…I need to live in the middle…and let it be known…I hate it there.
The world is literally inundated with programs of exercise and eating. They can be helpful, sure, but the bottom line is we all know the reality. Healthy bodies are attained by eating less and moving more. I want a pill or program to buy that will give me the health that I want. After all, we live in a world of instant gratification. My children comment if a drive through is taking “too long”. Completely pathetic.
So, I will update my progress on Saturdays in the "Minority Report".  It will help keep me on track. I will share what I’m learning and what I’m annoyed with. I will not share what I weigh. God and I alone will know that. I will, however, share that I am five foot ten and I want to lose forty pounds and so far I am down 9. Thirty one to go. (the number looks less harsh, written in word form.)
Here are my friends to help me on this little journey to blissful bikini wearing this summer:
Tap and Track (for the iphone…)
Chalean Extreme (click here for more info)
water (the diet coke is GONE..its been 20 days)
Join me….won’t you??? It'll be well worth it and more fun with friends...xo.


  1. This was encouraging, thanks for sharing Darcy! My biggest obstacle is rearranging how things usually fit in my days to exercise since I can't do it when the kids are awake. I look forward to reading your minority report.

  2. I know people who have done Chalean Extreme with amazing results! Just stick to it and you won't be disappointed! Beachbody has great protein bars that really helped me and their Shakeology is worth a try. I drink it every day. Doug and I did P90X and now I'm at the gym instead. I've lost 14#s since Sept. by eating better and moving more! Wishing you perseverance and self control my friend!


Let me know what you think...I Love to hear from you!