Jan 27, 2010

Day 67. Some Puppy Lovin'.

After our morning studies, we devoted this afternoon to animals. We spent some time in the kitchen making some homemade doggie treats for the SPCA.  We used wheat flour, peanut butter, milk, and baking bowder. Rolled and cut into shapes, they made adorable little snacks for some lonely doggies. However, to people,...they tasted like cardboard. Yeah we tried 'em.

We were able to drop off the doggie cookies and spend some time wandering around looking at the animals.

They were adorable and Taylor would have taken every single one home, if she could have.
I would have considered bringing this "little" guy home. His eyes were breathtaking.

After that little adventure, we headed over to our local vet. They have free tours for groups up to 9 people. We met some friends from church there. It was very interesting. The staff was very kind. What we saw was pretty "real". My kids were a bit stunned.

Here is Taylor and Kaitlyn BEFORE we went in.

At our first stop, we met Joey. A Dog who chews his hind legs because he is crazy, they told us. Cameron said "oh, he thinks he's food?"

then we got a brief explanation of how the digital xray machines work...

 we got to see some cool pics of dog insides...

Following that, there are no more pics. It got a little graphic. They walked us right through the area where dogs get worked on and dogs recover. So, we saw some STUFF. There was blood, there was sad doggies, there was a recovering 135 pound doggie, there was a dog completely under anesthesia getting his teeth cleaned, two feet from us. Lovely images burned in the minds of me and my children forever...

Then we saw this ADORABLE puppy who was waiting for surgery, shaking like a leaf, and I wanted to take her home. A silky terrier...so cute. Our puppy Brooklyn, needs one of these to be her sister. She was beautiful.

Anyway, then we walked through some more areas where we saw some recovering animals with nasty conditions...Blood vessels rupturing, knees dislocating. Me? I'm squeamish...very squeamish. So today I learned, that me potentially fainting, is not just limited to human traumas. Apparently, animal traumas are included as well. How Dr. Doolittle of me.

Just when I was getting concerned about the care that would be taken of me, if I went down in a vet hospital, we stepped outside to see where they took care of the larger animals. Crisis averted. We peacefully entered the other side of the building where we ended our tour learning about how they put animals to sleep, the kids were given leashes, and told to have a nice day. In that order.

If the kids look a little confused....they probably are, I know I was. Oh and the final story we received from our tour guide, as we were leaving... was how a doggie had passed away on the floor of the exam room earlier that morning...


All in all, it was a free tour. The hospital is FANTASTIC (they care for our puppy), and the people were VERY nice. Not quite what I was expecting, but overall a very fun day.

Now there is just 103 school days left until summer....


  1. Oh - i have to say i had a few giggles out of this post! I would love loved to have seen your face a few times at the vet tour!! xoxo

  2. ACK! Our pets are taken care of there and I worked for a Vet during College (thought I wanted to be one), I sure would not want Ashley back there...now RJ he probably would have loved it. Hope everyone is OK! Leslie


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