Jan 13, 2010

Day 58. A Typical Day.

I notice a routine forming and it's comforting...here is a day in the life of me, a mom who homeschools (o.k. just some highlights).

8:30...wake up. First thing I think is "Darn it" I overslept again.

8:35...I hear Emma screaming downstairs. Doesn't sound serious, so I stay where I am.

8:45...my other half leaves for work

9:00...school begins

9:05...Emma and Taylor are playing letter and sound bingo....music to my ears...emma's got her sounds down well, she must have a great teacher, I'm thinking.

9:15...Taylor, Emma, and I occupy the floor and tackle science. Emma tickles us to death while we try and learn that when you eat food, the hydrogen atoms, mix with the oxygen in your body and create water. (wow)

9:18...Emma get's bored and moves on to her worksheets, while we actually learn our science lesson.

10:15...Cameron get's a 100% on his Science quiz

10:20...Taylor get's a 100% on her Spelling test.

10:30....RECESS and lesson planning for me

10:35...laundry in...

10:40... Emma's done with school and camped on couch with Little Bear.

11:00...Cameron studies China and declares he is thankful to live in America.

11:10...I give Emma some gold fishies, milk, and get a wet slobbery kiss in return.

11:44...Cameron has a fit because I assigned some homework, which is    unusual...(the homework being the unusual part)

11:45...In our Bible lesson, we learn that obedience means doing what's right with a happy heart.

12:00...school's out

12:01...I do dishes, laundry, put stew in crock pot

1:15...everyone goes to their rooms for naps, chill time, and computer time for   me.

3:00...everyone up, straighten up house, vacuum the stairs and switch laundry

3:45...Kids get involved in projects while I bust my butt with my work out

4:45...shower and wish I wasn't on Atkins so I could taste my stew...

5:15...kiss and hug husband as he walks through the door and I walk out...

6:00...enjoy hanging out with my dear friend Genee as she works some magic on my hair. Came in with long straight brown hair and leave with less long red, blonde, and brown curly hair.

9:15...stop at Bel Air for a box of Atkins bars and some MORE milk.

9:30...hang with husband

11:00...snuggle on couch with favorite blanket and pillow

11:29...gonna shut the computer and watch Ellen from this afternoon....hoping that the kids did their homework cuz I forgot to ask husband to check.

?????...fall asleep praisin' Jesus that I get to wake up and do it all again tomorrow.

Now there are just 112 school days until summer...

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