Jan 18, 2010

My Laundry Room.

I am in a full scale clean my house operation over here. Garage, Master bedroom closet, and laundry room were the top 3 on my list. I am happy to say the laundry room was completed yesterday. With Ralph Lauren paint running $7 a gallon right now...it got a fresh new coat of Tapestry Green to go along with the unpleasant task of cleaning the room itself.

I have a question? How many of you regularly pull out your machines and clean under them? Up until this home, my husband and I had never lived in a home for longer then a year (except one home for two years), and many of those were apartments...so this whole cleaning under the machine thing escapes me. I decided to tackle it.

For the queasy stomach, you may want to avert your eyes for the remainder of this post.

Here is the before...

bye bye copper brownish color...that kinda grates on my nerves..

embarrassed to say this is four years of not cleaning underneath. um gross!
How did I paint that brown, without moving the machine? I sat on the machine and leaned down behind it of course.

yuck...and more yuck...

and the after...

ahhhh....nice and pretty.
simple and clean.
home for one puppy Brooklyn, as well...

Project completed in 4 hours.
Time well spent.

Now, off to take care of that new white curtain I hung up, without ironing....

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