Jan 21, 2010

Day 62. Field Trip Day.

Today was supposed to be a big field trip day. We have been looking forward to it for a couple of weeks. After being tortured by various dentists (ok tortured may be a slight exaggeration), I decided to take the kids back to San Jose. We had an amazing dentist center there. The people were so sweet, we never waited...literally have never sat in their waiting room, the kids loved it...I could go on and on...They just know children's dentistry and they do it well. I like that.

After that we were going to get together with some friends and visit the Children's Discovery museum. It literally is one of the largest in the nation. It's amazing.

However, with the biggest storm of the year hitting today (o.k. its only mid-Jan, but it was a big one)... I decided to cancel. However it was mostly due to the fact of how long our trip would probably turn out to be. It takes less then two hours in good weather. However, with a storm and commute traffic...not sure. There and back could easily have been six hours. I don't know about you, but if I am in the car, with kids, for 6 hours...I better be gettin' out at Disneyland.

We still took the day off of school (except for reading) and had a rainy day party. We went to Mcdonald's playland with friends, watched movies, had popcorn and hot chocolate... a great snuggly day.

Tomorrow back to the grind....

But now there is just 108 school days left until summer.

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