Sep 16, 2009

Random Drumming.

My trick for handling classroom wide frustration moments came to me yesterday. As I told you, I spent the day teaching on the floor with a pillow. In the middle of my pseudo nap, I accidentally hit the leg of one of the kids desks. It made a pretty sound. So, being the fabulous role model that I am, I continued. It Interrupted our studies and before long the four of us were having a jam session. Pencils, rulers, markers all were tested. Random Drumming was born.

From now on, anytime I say random drumming, everyone has ten seconds to drum away. When I say stop, everyone must stop. Frustration diffused. You can't help but laugh. I think I'm on to something. Workplaces should consider this.

1 comment:

  1. I love this!! We have actually done random drumming, although not called that, in the car. I do make them keep in time though! So maybe it's not really random drumming so much as it is drumming.


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