Sep 17, 2009


I love planners. I love calendars. I love filling in brand new planners and calendars with a brand new sharpened pencil. This part of home school, I was looking forward to. Any chance to use another planner. What a disappointment it turned out to be.

In the world of teacher planners, I found lots of brightly colored, kid like ones. I am confused by this, as the planner IS for the teacher, right? Where are the cute black and white ones? How about a lime-y green one with zebra trim?? Or a pretty metallic aqua one with crystals on the front? Another problem with all of them, is that they are made for a classroom of students, all doing the same subject. I need one that shows multiple students doing different subjects, all on one page. An at a glance type...for us newbies.

I then had the brilliant revelation that there probably is one specifically for home schooling. How right I was. There is a homeschool ONE. Yesterday I chose from 11 kinds of chicken broth at the grocery store. Just one choice on a planner, huh? Really? Are the other ones hiding somewhere? It does come in multiple colors, I will give them that. No offense, but oh how it's dull. Maybe even just a bit life sucking. Functionally speaking, each page shows 5 students at a time, but there are only 41 pages. It costs 12.95! My calculations are that I would need 5 of those to get me through the year. Bleh.

I sat down the week before school started to do my "lesson plans". It did not go well, I am not gonna lie. I spent two days completely frustrated until I realized what my problem was. "One can not plan, what one does not know." Problem solved. I gave myself 3 weeks of trial and error. THEN I will bust out the planner. It will be much easier, when I am more familiar with what I am planning. My 3 weeks aren't up yet and already I feel like I could sit down and do it now.

My sad ugly duckling planner, sits patiently on my desk. I will use it out of necessity. Maybe one day I will design a homeschool planner. In my opinion there is a need. This is incredibly trivial in the grand scheme of things. I get that. I'm just sayin'...


  1. Its some one oneth a computereth besideth youeth

  2. There's an online one that I've used before. I'll see if I can come up with the name of it if you're interested! I think the basic version is even free. :-) I love your blog, Darcy. Just thought I'd let you know that I'm homeschooling my teenage boys again. We're all back home. It's so good to have us all "on the same page again." I love my time with my grown up kids. Even after all these years, though, of homeschooling I wake up some mornings totally panicked. Then we have some of the neatest times together even amongst the trials and interruptions and I remember once more why I'm on this journey.

    Thanks again for your blog!

  3. There are more out there . . . I know there are!
    You'll have to do some online searches, but there are other, equally unattractive, options!
    One source I used back in my homeschooling days was She's got lots of printables - worth checking out!
    I'm enjoying watching your homeschooling journey during this, my first year of not homeschooling in 6 years! :)
    -Karen Firstbrook


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