Sep 17, 2009

Day 9. If the shoe fits.

I think the following is an entirely true, yet somewhat confusing statement:

Doing something that God asks us to do,
even if its hard,
is still easier then doing something that's easy,
but not what He asks.

Have you ever had the pleasure of watching someone do what God has uniquely created them to do? I love watching someone who is operating so within their niche,
that it is undeniably, a God given talent. Some that come to mind are:

My husband leading worship.
Steve Larson selling homes.
Brandon on So You Think You Can Dance.
Barry Smith preaching on any subject passionate to him.

You see this lots of places, if you look for it. There is something so special about it. Something that just works. It inspires me. Not necessarily what they do,
but how they do it. It seems effortless.

Finding what God wants you to do, requires constant and complete surrender. Both in big things and small. I get that in my head. I try and live that in my life.

I feel like my life has been turned upside down, but I am confident that I will experience blessings that I can not imagine. I will live this year looking for them. They may be big. They may be small. I feel reflective today. Its been a long and challenging week. More challenges outside the classroom than in. Which in a weird way, is a good thing.

Today we did school on the go again. I went into the office to prepare some things for our weekend services. The kids did awesome. Packed lunches, school books with sticky notes of assignments, and an alphabet dvd for Emma provided lots of work done for me. I am blessed to have a flexible job. I am blessed to have the Lord guiding my steps. I am blessed that there is 161 school days until summer.

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