Sep 22, 2009

Day 10. Cruella Deville.

I am finding the beginning of the school week to be the hardest. By the end, I am in a groove. Today, I was crabby. I tried to channel my inner Carol Brady. It just wasn't happenin'.

About a month ago, Shawn and I woke up to Emma screaming with all the hatred her cute little body could muster..."Cameron, STOP IT!" She screamed it multiple times, over and over. So, I did what any woken up from a deep sleep mother would do and instantly yelled "CAMERON STOP". I get an immediate response of "I didn't do anything". Um, well o.k...."Emma, what is Cameron doing to you that is bothering you?" I yelled. Her response is something I will remember forever......"BREATHING".

That's how I felt today. Everything was irritating me, to no end. From the second I woke up, it was difficult to be nice. A friend texted me for a park play date, so I happily said "YES". The kids will be far less tormented that way. Getting up and out is a much better option then staying in. We went and played all morning, until about noon. Well they did, I sat and had adult conversation with one of my most favorite people. We got home and the older kids chilled and did some independent work. Emma and I took a nap. Mine was 2 hours... hers was 4.5! Emma's 5th birthday was this past weekend, along with four church services. She was spent. I woke up in a much better mood too. Bonus.

We were able to complete school from about 4:30-7. Quizzes, tests and a new letter game called Wash Day for Emma. Following that was movie time. ELF. A family favorite...(there IS just 94 days, 2,245 hours until Christmas, btw). Round table was delivered. Snuggling happened. Now there is just 160 school days until summer.

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