Sep 2, 2009

DAY 2. Train Wreck?

I knew for a fact that days would come where I would wake up and go..."REALLY"? What I did not know, is that it would be day 2. I can only compare this morning, to how I felt postpartum, the day that Shawn went back to work. Three times over, I had that nagging little feeling down deep that screamed..."DON'T LEAVE ME". Today as I was in my room and I heard his car pull away, a little bitty tear ran down my cheek. I don't want to do this today. My job work, laundry, dishes, emails, voice mails, errands in general are all combining forces and will overtake me at any moment...I am sure of it. Not to mention, I was sad that I had to cancel a breakfast date with a dear friend today cuz my head is about to explode. I know this sounds a bit dramatic, but you need to remember that homeschooling is not my life long dream. Alright pity party over.... Onward.

So, I changed the plan. I can do that cuz I am the boss. I like that part. I told the kids to get a bag, finish getting ready and we were going out to do a project. I came downstairs to find my kids completely ready, bags in hand, shoes on, waiting IN LINE by the door to the car. (and let me clarify...nobody has ever discussed lining up around here). Score one for homeschool. I tried not to pass out, told them to sit down at their desks, color their bags, and we would get going in a few. I was finishing some stuff up in the kitchen when I heard Taylor start screaming "strict rule, strict rule..." um WHAT? I ran in the classroom and the child is dancing around like her big girl panties are on fire... "hey, uh Tay, what's up?" "Strict rule".. she is laughing now, as she is throwing her shoes, frantically out of the classroom... awwwwww it all made sense.

A couple weeks ago, Cam asked if we had to wear shoes in the classroom and I said absolutely not. In fact, that is a very strict rule in my class. If you wear shoes, you go to the principal's office immediately. I will not tolerate that kind of behavior. Good to know they listen to me sometimes...

So, off we went. A Donut, caffeine, and the park. Everybody collected five things to put in their own bag. Later in the afternoon, we studied them all....complete with magnifying glass...(how school~esque) and did drawings of each object. This was an "optional" project idea in Taylor's science book. We did it, times three. Yay for optional, I say...We also spent about an hour or so, at the park building sand castles and playing outside. After all, Wednesday is p.e. day. We came home for lunch and then finished up our day in the classroom doing our work. School got out today at three....just like "normal" the kids said.

So, I guess what started as a train wreck, ended up o.k. The school work still got done, I got to eat a maple donut, I got to spend lots of extra time with my kids today. I'd consider that a success. 168 school days until summer.....


  1. Lining up, hilarious! Sound like it will be quite the adjustment. Your kids are so lucky to have as their mom.

  2. awesome, awesome, awesome. what an awesome adventure you're on. what a special privilege to be led by God to homeschool your sweethearts.

    when you're old like me & most of your kids are out of the house, you look back on those sweet days of young kids who love you to death, & realize it goes by so fast.

    enjoy this time & try to not stress about all the other stuff. that stuff will pass, but your kids are precious & their childhoods are precious.

    love ya, darcy & so proud of you. <3

  3. oops...didn't sign my comment. didn't realize it only had my email name. this is mary alice. :)


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