Sep 2, 2009


Each School day I hope to post something practical about how we are doing school, as well as how our day went. Today it's about our classroom behavior expectations. BCS is on the card system. Every student has a pocket with three cards. Every student starts the day on green. Poor choices move your card to yellow and then to red. Red equals a trip to the principal's office.

We copied this, sort of. The kids each painted their "people". I spread them all out to show you, but they each start the day with a happy face, move to a nothing face, or a sad face. A sad face equals a trip to the principal's office. Which in our case, is dad... sorry hun. I couldn't handle the thought of having everyday behavior issues be carried over into school time and vice versa. The kids need a clean slate, I think. They need to be able to shut school off and be done. So Do I.

Oh and the hall pass...I originally joked with the kids that they had to wear uniforms each day and use a hall pass. They flipped out and I enjoyed the mild form of torture, for just a few minutes. I really was kidding, but when at the dollar tree I found a hall's hilarious. The kids actually use it. Fine by me....Whatever makes it fun.

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