Sep 16, 2009

Day 7. Night School.

Bad idea. Period. Oh the wiggles and distractions were at an all time high. I had another meeting this morning and a couple of neglected must do errands to run. Emma started begging for Boston Market (her all time favorite restaurant). I caved. All in all we arrived home at 1:30. I put her down for a nap and sent the kids to their rooms to chill. Everyone got up around 4...

Have you ever been super tired? I mean that kind of tired where you feel like moving any part of you may just do you in. That's me today. Rough week. So, my plan of night school seemed reasonable to fit in today. Plus, we haven't tried this time frame yet. Shawn works late tonight teaching guitar lessons. Should be great. Um, Not so much.

We still did it. Got through it. Won't attempt again. BAD time of day. Of course, the fact that I was trying to "teach" while laying on the floor with a pillow, probably didn't help much. I taught Cameron about the principal parts of a verb. Flashback. I didn't like learning about it as a kid and I don't like teaching it as an adult. Language and math are two subjects that I am not a fan of. In Cam's language book there were 25 different examples of how to use the verb wash. Just wondering if that is really necessary?

I actually "taught" Emma how to color a couple days ago during school. The picture she did today rocked. It never occurred to me prior to that, that you should tell her to stay IN the lines... Third child thing I guess. But as it turns out, she sorta can. She was proud.

First rounds of quizzes are over. In all subjects and the kids got all A's...guess I'm doing o.k., or they are still in review from last year. I think I will go with the first option. 163 school days until summer.

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