Sep 3, 2009

DAY 3. What a difference a skirt makes.

O.k. It is absolutely official. I am not a morning person. In fact, I have pushed the time I go to bed back so far, I may actually qualify for newborn status...having my nights and days confused. I come alive at about 11 p.m. In the morning, um yeah, I resemble a zombie. This is not brand new information for me, however, when I looked in the mirror this morning, I was reminded.
I decided to forgo the black yoga pants and tank combo to wear, among other things, a skirt and some eyeliner. I felt human. Its amazing what a little skirt can do.

I have had a hard time moving from San Jose to Elk Grove in respect to what they have to offer in the way of entertainment and retail. One thing that Elk Grove has got goin' on though, is their parks. A brand new one just opened and it is no exception. Even I, wanted to run and play...except for my darn skirt. As if this fabulous park isn't enough...a library shares the corner lot. This is my plan for weekly library time. A home schooler's dream, I think. Today was library day, if you look really closely at the can see how that went.

Cameron gave Emma her lesson on counting today. It was priceless. With the exception that he was doing double digit math with her, it went amazing well. I love his tender heart.

Today was filled with learning about murals, insects, state birds, math, and the color wheel. We are teaching Emma the pledges...American flag, Christian flag, and the Bible. We are studying 1 Corinthians 13:4-8. School is hard work. 167 school days left until summer.

1 comment:

  1. Darcy,

    I really admire you stepping out in faith to try this experiment. Even if it's just for one year, I think it's going to stick out in your kids' minds as a great year and one in which they got to spend more time with you. Keep it up - God chose this for you and you for this so he WILL sustain you through the remaining 167 days. Congrats on getting through the first three - I'm not sure I could do it. :)

    Beth Munson


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