Sep 28, 2009

Day 15. Butterfly Fly Away.

I can not believe how fast the butterfly thing happened. Wow. Today we released them. I thought Emma would freak as I realized I am not sure that she knew that we had to let them go. She was fine with it. In fact, she reached in, picked the butterfly up and sent him on his way. However, she does think that they are going to come and build a nest and have babies at our house. She's hilarious.

We got through our school work pretty smoothly. I wrote out the assignments for Cameron and Taylor on a piece of notebook paper the night before. It was amazing how much time it saved. The curriculum I am using has each subject broken down into days for you, but they are all in different books. It takes forever to keep switching between them. I have an idea formulating for a custom planner!

I got two glimpses into my future today. I am not sure I liked either one of them. First, I watched this gorgeous butterfly, leave its little home, and fly away. I couldn't help but wonder for a brief moment how I am going to feel on the day that I watch one of our little munchkins leave home. Fortunately for now, they are still young enough that the thought scares them. In fact, Cameron said he wants to live at home forever so that he can save money for video games.

Secondly, towards the end of the school day, Emma was building with blocks while singing and talking to herself as she was doing it. I stopped her and said, "Emma, you need to be quiet please, the kids are doing their work." What I heard next, frightened me to my core...."Um, well mommy, then why did God give me a voice?" It was complete with attitude. She just turned 5. I'm afraid for 15. Heck, I'm afraid for 6. Just 155 schools days left until summer.

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