Oct 26, 2009

Day 30. And the winner is.

Dirt bag mom of the year was awarded tonight.....to me. If you plan on having a rant session..."oh, be careful little mouth what you say... and who is listening."

I laid into a venting session to Shawn, complete with raised voice and tears about my frustrations with some things in the classroom, some things with discipline with my son, and the fact that I don't know how I got here and..."I do NOT want to homeschool anymore"..... I believe was my closing argument.

I went upstairs and laid on my bed only to hear the pitter patter of my darling 9 year old's feet. She looked like she had seen a ghost. Yeah, she heard it all. Ugh. Ugh. Ugh.

We talked for awhile about change and how God works in our lives....all things together for good. I was honest with her and told her some days this seems really hard, but I am confident this is what we are supposed to do this year. She told me through tears how she missed her friends at school, but then said that if she went back to school she would miss homeschool. Wow. Interesting Predicament. She felt a little better and I tucked her back in bed.

I finished my venting session in my head... silently. Emotions have been high in my world lately with a bunch of stuff. Today I am missing the school lifestyle, badly. I miss everything about it and would like nothing more than to pack the kids lunches and send them off to explore their own independent world tomorrow. Today was not a great day overall. Some days are just like that...

I know what I'm doing. I have it all planned out—plans to take care of you, not abandon you, plans to give you the future you hope for. Jer. 29:11

Now there is 140 school days until summer.


  1. a quote from a very wise woman ;)... "I love the challenges and rewards this year is already bringing to my life. I knew in my heart that this year would be amazing, simply because it was something that God wanted me to do. When God asks, it doesn't matter what it is, I hope I always listen. I want to follow the Lord with that kind of blind faith that is like jumping off of a cliff and having know idea when and where you will land. THAT, my friends, is what life is all about.

    Now there is just 144 school days until summer."

  2. Thanks for reminding me with my own mouth :) that was awesome!


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