Oct 29, 2009

Day 33. Let it fly.

Emma had a girl date with her friend Ella and her mommy Gina today. They went to the mall...rode the merry go round, had cookies, shopped Hello Kitty! Yay... for girl time. Sounds perfect to me.

I kept Ella's 7 month old sister at home with us and did school with Cameron and Taylor. We had some fun stuff today. Cameron presented his science report and we did some experiments with light (in our closet under the stairs). My favorite though was our Bible project. It was due today.

Every week we will be taking a character trait and doing an activity with it. This week was creativity. Our lessons this week were about creation and how creative our God is. So, I challenged the kids to figure out this week what creative gifts that God has given them and then to demonstrate it. That was the only instruction they had, as part of the assignment was to be creative.

Taylor made a picture and wrote a story called "The Creative Columnist". Emma made a picture. Cameron built a rubber band gun. He demonstrated it. It was unbelievable how fast that thing shot. Shawn is off work today, so he was able to witness the project presentations. It was fun to have him in the classroom.

It was an interesting dynamic to watch the kids do oral presentations in front of just our family. I would often go into the classroom at school and watch the oral presentations they would give. Cameron was always very nervous, Taylor was usually not. I was surprised to see that Taylor, our outgoing daughter was very silly-esque today when presenting. Almost embarrassed. It fascinated me. I think perhaps it was that she really exposed a piece of her little heart in her story. Even with the comfort of her family surrounding her, it was tough to throw her heart on the line. The risk is there, that someone will do or say something that will hurt her feelings. Whether its intended, or not is not even the point. It is just scary. I think most school reports were not an issue for her because they were usually straight facts.

I wonder how to best to instill confidence into these kids. One gift I am not sure how much I can control, but desperately want to give my kids is the ability to know who they are and the confidence to live that out. There are too many adults who live safe. Afraid to get hurt. This is masked in many ways, but you can see it in their eyes. My good friend Nicole, often says that everyone has an inner freak flag that they are dying to let fly. It sounds ridiculously funny. However, it is so true.

I stumbled across a Bible Study a couple of years ago that will forever be monumental in my life. It is by Angela Thomas, called, "Do You Think I'm Beautiful?" She compares our lives to a dance. Challenges us on if we are wallflowers or really living. This is a section that impacted me deeply when I read it for the first time. It so eloquently says, exactly how I feel and what I want to instill in all of my kids...

"Dancing for me, means living in the fullness of my gifts and passions. Drinking deeply of relationships, adventure, and learning. Dancing means being fully alive and in step with the movement and plans of my Father. I don't want to miss anything God had in mind for me. I want to grow and become and change. I call it dancing in His arms."

Now there is just 137 school days left until summer.


Quizzes and tests seem to happen quite randomly in the curriculum I am using. I haven't really figured out a groove on that one. Bible quiz, spelling test, memory verses are all Thursdays (which is our Friday) but other than that they are a free for all.

My kids love them: here's why. 100% earns you 3 sticks, A or B earns you 2, C earns you 1.....

Incentives work! Haven't heard a complaint yet.

Oct 28, 2009

Day 32. What's on the inside?

We had a little visitor today. My good friend Jen's youngest, Luke. He and Emma are the same age. They played all morning, as Emma took the day "off" from school today. They were angels. Not one fight. We got tons accomplished in the classroom today and were periodically entertained as well. During snack time I was at my desk and overheard Luke say, "Hey Taylor, what are you going to be for Halloween this year?" Taylor says, "a Bumble Bee". There was complete silence and then I hear a confused Luke ask..."you're going to be Tuna?" Oh, that quite possibly made my day. I love that kid. I love how simplistic children's minds can be. It's hilarious the connections they make. We are not huge consumers of tuna in this house, due to a tuna bone incident that occurrred in the nineties, so my children were equally confused by Luke's comments, as well as my laughter.

Taylor got to dissect Lima Beans, today. Purchasing them at 10:30 last Sunday night, was equally as interesting, as the project itself. I personally have never purchased Lima Beans. I had to ask where they were in the store. I admit it. "Aisle eight ma'am"...the adorable 18 year old man-child tells me. I hate being called ma'am. I spent about 15 min bonding with aisle eight. When I finally located the lima beans, I found them sitting on the shelf near the rice, just down the row from the beans. That makes perfect sense. Why didn't I think to look for them there?

I soaked them. We split them. I am not sure what I was expecting, but it was a little bit of a let down. The kids had fun and it was far more interesting then the picture in the book. That's the important thing.

School is again complete for the day. I have done dishes, laundry, made muffins...from scratch, picked up the house, chased the dog, and helped shape the young minds of the future leaders of America. I am now going to take off my cape, curl up with my blankie and have a nap. My tasks are completed, but I have to confess, my heart was just not in it today.

There is just 138 school days left until summer.

My desk.

I think I have mentioned I am an Ikea fan. I have had this shelf for about three years. Last year, they came out with the desk attachment. It all rocks. The amount of things this mother of all organizational systems holds is astounding. It's the little things in life, I tell ya.

All of my craft supplies, scrapbooking supplies, photos, etc., along with all of the kids school curriculum, class store materials etc... are all tucked away in organizational bliss.

I highly recommend!

Oct 27, 2009

Day 31. Right smack in the middle.

Today we packed our 75% off Target backpacks and went to one of my friend's houses to hang out. The kids did about 70% of their school work for the day. I helped my friend rearrange her house. One of my all time favorite things to do. I love the feeling of change and refreshing your surroundings. It makes me happy.

We left around noon, ate at Jack in the box for lunch for $5.97 for 4 of us. (love the 99 cent menu) and then went to the park. It is unbelievably windy today.... like trees down, trash cans in the road, even pumpkins rolling from neighbors porches.

The kids had a ball at the park. They ran in the wind, played catch the leaf, did summersaults, rolled down hills...everything a kid should do. I sat and watched, and breathed.

I resigned from my job at our church this past month. Lots of logistics of the job have changed over the past couple years that I have worked there. It just isn't a good fit for our family anymore. It's time for me to move on and re-balance, re prioritize, and rejuvenate. It is emotional for me because I love the people and I love serving in ministry. I have done it my whole life. I have poured my heart and soul into this ministry for the past three years, so changing that is inevitably painful.

"Change is hard. Positive change is just as hard as negative change. Sometimes it’s easier to stay stuck than to move forward. It’s hard to tell how many major adjustments I’ve avoided making because I was busy tending to insignificant side items. It’s tempting to divert attention from the big thing that God wants me to change by slam dunking something that ultimately doesn’t matter at all."

My husband emailed this to me from someone else's blog. This could not ring more true in my life right now. This is not to say my job or my church is insignificant. Because they are incredibly significant. However, if I am no longer where God wants me to be, then for me to continue down this path, regardless of how "good" the things are that I am doing is not o.k. Those things will become a distraction in my life. Hanging on to something that I want, is just not going to work out in the long run for anyone.

I have to live out God's best for me and allow Him to use me in the way that He created me. My life has been turned upside down in the last 6 months. I was not expecting it. Some days I do not like it. Some days I am incredibly peaceful. One thing that is constant, is that in times like these, the reality of God working in my life is so very evident. Even though it can be enormously painful, that part is the best.

So, I began homeschooling for a year to save some money before my youngest started kindergarten as well. Now I am unemployed. Hmmm. He knew what He was doing. He allowed my family months to adjust to the idea of homeschool. I had weeks to prepare and get ready for the school year. I can't imagine how yucky this all would be if I had ignored Him and put the kids in school anyway. I would have had to pull them out in a matter of days.

I have no idea what is going to happen with this. Sometimes the Lord really does work in mysterious ways. I am trying to do my best to listen and obey, with the desire to stay in the center of God's will. All I can do is to continue taking it one day at a time.

...and today there is just 139 school days until summer.


When at all possible....if you plan on homeschooling...live near a park. This view is out Emma's window. Construction started about the same time school did. We have been waiting for four years for this park! Can NOT wait for it to be completed! Recess's just got a whole lot more fun.

Oct 26, 2009

Day 30. And the winner is.

Dirt bag mom of the year was awarded tonight.....to me. If you plan on having a rant session..."oh, be careful little mouth what you say... and who is listening."

I laid into a venting session to Shawn, complete with raised voice and tears about my frustrations with some things in the classroom, some things with discipline with my son, and the fact that I don't know how I got here and..."I do NOT want to homeschool anymore"..... I believe was my closing argument.

I went upstairs and laid on my bed only to hear the pitter patter of my darling 9 year old's feet. She looked like she had seen a ghost. Yeah, she heard it all. Ugh. Ugh. Ugh.

We talked for awhile about change and how God works in our lives....all things together for good. I was honest with her and told her some days this seems really hard, but I am confident this is what we are supposed to do this year. She told me through tears how she missed her friends at school, but then said that if she went back to school she would miss homeschool. Wow. Interesting Predicament. She felt a little better and I tucked her back in bed.

I finished my venting session in my head... silently. Emotions have been high in my world lately with a bunch of stuff. Today I am missing the school lifestyle, badly. I miss everything about it and would like nothing more than to pack the kids lunches and send them off to explore their own independent world tomorrow. Today was not a great day overall. Some days are just like that...

I know what I'm doing. I have it all planned out—plans to take care of you, not abandon you, plans to give you the future you hope for. Jer. 29:11

Now there is 140 school days until summer.


How does a mom turned teacher organize 9 boxes of curriculum? I had to guess. I first organized by subject. Each subject went into a magazine file. Each child separately. That was a nightmare, big mistake.

I then organized by book type. School books at desk. Three magazine files per child at my desk. My official titles of the files are as shown. Gotta have some fun somewhere. If you're wondering ripables are books that have worksheets to rip out....

This seems to be working quite well so far...stay tuned....that could change any minute.

Day 29. One Small step.

Yeah, a first attempt at a lesson plan sheet was made this weekend. I bought a cute clipboard and am intending to take the lesson plan sheet down to Staples where they can turn it into a pad of paper for me. Magical.. for just $10. Love it. Then I can put it on the clipboard and just tear off the day when it's complete. I think this is going to work even better than a lesson plan book that takes up more space. I ran enough copies for the week to try it out first. I am sure I will make some changes before it gets printed.

I spent about 6 hours tonight working on curriculum and getting more in depth on what I am actually teaching. I did daily lesson plans for the whole week. It feels great to be in that position. I am starting to get the hang of this...

The kids did lessons 29 on their own over the weekend. They procrastinated 'til Sunday evening this weekend. They didn't like that one bit. Hopefully they won't do that again....

Now there is just 141 school days left until summer.


Lakeshorelearning.com has lots of cool stuff! I just ran across some free awards and goodies. Just fill in and print. The kids were excited to find these on their desks this morning.

Oct 23, 2009

Day 28. Finding Joy in the Journey.

The kids had so many quizzes and tests today. They did great on all of them. Emma did lots of worksheets and made many pictures on the felt boards. I have even been able to squeeze in lots of little projects in the classroom between moments when someone is having and academic induced crisis.

I have heard it said more than once that it takes about two years to get in the good swing of things with home schooling. I laughed at that. Guess who is not laughing now? I can see full well where that statement is true. So give yourself grace I say!

I am teaching, the kids are learning. A's and B's are being awarded. I feel like I have barely scratched the surface of what is possible. After all, learning anything new is always a process, isn't it? I am enjoying the journey.

There is just 142 school days until summer.


The desks I purchased are from Ikea. I bought two of them off of Craigs List and one from the store. I bought the two off of Craigs for $10 each and the one at the store for just $20. I also found the desk chairs from Ikea, at the same place off of Craigs, for just $10 a piece. I have a booster type seat for Emma, from Ikea of course.

Ikea's innovative ideas rock. You can buy these drawer guides and plastic buckets for about $5 a piece. So for $75, I was able to get the 3 desks for all of the kids, including chairs and drawers.

Oct 21, 2009

Day 27. Out of the Mouth of Babes.

Today Taylor, my 9 year old, wrote about the first day of school in her writing prompts journal. She had her choice of topics and her is what she said...

"I loved my first day of school. It was my first time homeschooling. That day we got introduced to some things like my desk, devotions, and all about today. The all about today explains the weather, the date, and the season. It hangs on the wall. My desk is white. All of my books are in a bucket. The bucket hangs on the bottom of my desk. We don't do devotions in school much now, but we did it the first day and it was fun.

I like having my brother and sister in my class. My mom is the teacher. She is the best teacher I have ever had. Especially because she is my mom, of course. My sister is loving school. She likes her worksheets. She was so excited the first day of school. We all were. My brother is really good in school. I am sure he liked the first day of school too.

My favorite thing about school is that I get to be with my family. My favorite thing about the classroom is the walls. They are painted blue and green. Blue and green are my favorite color.

School is working really good for my family. I have to admit that I was a little bit nervous the first day of school, but it's working fine now. Emma is in front of me and Cameron is right beside me."

My thoughts on that...So glad she appreciated my work in painting the classroom, so glad she loves being surrounded by her family, and I better get back to the daily devotions.

Now there are just 143 school days left until summer.

Vocabulary Journal.

I have several time filler type activities ready at all times in the classroom. This way the kids won't be sitting waiting for me to figure out what the heck I am doing. I got these journals at Lakeshore for $2.99 a piece. I have a jar of words that I selected for them to complete the half page exercise inside. As an added bonus, if they can work their word into conversation in front of Shawn and I at dinner or later in the day, they will earn 2 sticks. Today's words are emancipate and rural. Can't wait for dinner conversation tonight.

Oct 20, 2009

Day 26. What if I Had Said No?

Today was fantastic. Period. I posted on my facebook a few weeks ago "Joy comes in the morning, but when does the morning come?" Mine has arrived. The peace the Lord can place in your heart, is truly the peace that "passes all understanding". I feel so calm today. Despite the fact that I started my day with a puppy that pooped in my lap and then headed off to a morning of home schooling my three children. If you know me at all, you know that these two things were definitely not on my bucket list.

A couple of years ago, we met a couple Matt and Michelle. At birth their daughter Lillian, was not expected to live and today she is getting ready to celebrate her 3rd birthday. I had the honor of being able to care for her a couple hours a day last year.
(You can read more about their amazing journey at http://www.livingwithtrisomy13.org/AlbumLillian.htm). Admittedly, I was nervous at the thought, given her medical history. However, when I started, it honestly was never an issue. Being around Matt and Michelle puts you at ease immediately. This past summer our families went to Disneyland together. If you ever want to see God's peace at work in someone's life, hang with the Monaghan's. They just get it. I love being around them. They have been through something that could have broken them, but they allowed God to use it to draw them closer to Himself. What a testimony they are. What a testimony Lillian is. She is a miracle. There is nothing in all the world like a Lillian hug. Not one thing. My life is better today because of my time with her.

Today we had another normal day of school, after a few days off. It was actually good to get back at it. The kids did great. We finished around noon, had lunch together at the table, and then spent the afternoon bargain hunting for winter clothes. My best deals were at the Children's Place Outlet where I found Cameron a pair of pants, 3 long sleeved shirts, and two sweatshirts for thirty bucks.

I love the challenges and rewards this year is already bringing to my life. I knew in my heart that this year would be amazing, simply because it was something that God wanted me to do. When God asks, it doesn't matter what it is, I hope I always listen. I want to follow the Lord with that kind of blind faith that is like jumping off of a cliff and having know idea when and where you will land. THAT, my friends, is what life is all about.

Now there is just 144 school days until summer.


I don't know when kids are "supposed" to learn how to tell time from an actual clock. I need to figure that one out I guess. However, thanks to my mom's semi-famous Target shopping skills, we acquired a rather large $100 clock for $25 as a gift. I had a perfect hole waiting for it in the classroom.

Every time I walk in the room, I just wanna ask someone "What Time Is It?". It's so obvious and in your face. It's Fabulous. In a weird way, it kinda reminds me, of the time I was in the Dollar Tree and a customer actually asked the clerk how much an item was....

If learning how to tell time is in this year's curriculum for Emma, Boy what a teacher aid I have now, although come to think of it, there is no actual numbers. hmmm. Oh and in case your wondering. The clerk just politely replied, "ma'am everything is a dollar."

Oct 13, 2009

Day 25. To Each His Own.

One thing that has always been super important to me, ever since the kids were born, was to give them permission to be good at something as well as permission to need to work at something. We can always improve and we can always struggle. Its o.k. You are loved unconditionally in this house. We are all different.

Cameron is my inquisitive child. He misses nothing. He is a human sponge. Taylor was born to demonstrate the meaning of the phrase "stop and smell the roses". Her contentedness with life is inspiring. Then Emma... the level to which she jumps in at whatever she is doing is unparalleled. One of my friends says she goes from zero to psycho in seconds. It's both her greatest asset and her biggest weakness. Shawn has a quiet peace about him and a passion inside that gets brought to life every time he steps on a stage to lead people in worship. He is my rock. I, on the other hand, have nothing quiet about me. I can't get enough of people. I love loud, fun, and adventure.

I think that it is so important, even as adults to know your God given strengths and know your weaknesses. To genuinely accept both about yourself. I have tried to instill this in our kids by regularly, but not too frequently, talking openly about this.

Boy this is testing me right now. Self control is an issue. Perfectionism is the culprit. I pray daily for wisdom in how to help my son grow in this area. The pace that school work is getting accomplished is dramatically different between my kids. Now that the "remember what you learned last year period is over", our classroom has had a different tone. Doing things that are difficult has proven to be a lot harder than doing things that are easy. It has been unbelievable to me to witness so clearly how fast having a negative attitude can suck positive results right out from under you. Teachers have an interesting perspective and seriously I have a new found respect for them. One of my friends said to me at the start of the school year..."Wow, you are going to learn a lot this year." My response "like you wouldn't believe". I pray that I don't miss a thing. I pray that I not let my negative attitudes get in the way of what the Lord wants to do in my heart and in the hearts of my family. I pray that this year I can devote the time, patience, and wisdom to help all my kids make huge strides in their growth as uniquely created children of God.

Just 145 school days until summer.


Oddly enough, the night before school started, I realized despite my 9 boxes of curriculum from A Beka the Christian Curriculum experts...I had no Bible curriculum. I didn't realize that when I checked those pretty little all inclusive and oh so attractive kit boxes, Bible was not a part of it. Strange.

I quickly called my two BCS teacher friends and found out that BCS uses Positive Action Curriculum. Done. So would I. Cameron was in a 4/5 combo class last year and didn't use that specific curriculum because of it. So Yay for me! I ordered the 4th grade Bible curriculum for both Cameron and Taylor this year. $72 for the both of them and the teacher guide!

It's entitled Building Life Castles. It studies the New Testament and the life of Christ. We are beginning it this week. Can't wait.

Day 24. Baby Mine.

There are some things that I absolutely adore about home school already, while the list of things I don't, still remains. First on my love list is time. Each day I watch Emma learn the simplest of things like drawing a straight line and sitting still. I think how I missed that kind of thing with my older two. Its fine that I did, as I know there are benefits to having them learn to function in a group setting, that I can not duplicate at home. I just find it so interesting to watch her learn and grow each day. I love the extra time I get with her. After all, she is my baby.

All the kids have ended up with songs that I secretly would sing to them when they were little. It was not intentional, it just happened. Emma's is Baby Mine. As I write this, I hear it on repeat in her bedroom while she's sleeping. That song forever will remind me of Miss Emma Grace. I wonder what she will grow up to be?

Now there are just 146 school days until summer.

Pencil Box.

Pencil Boxes are weird. I have always thought that. They are tiny and bizarre. I ditched them. Hello to a plant box from Ikea at 5.99, with 2 pencil cups at .99 each inside of it. Much better. Sits on top of the desk, looks great, and functions great.

Things are best in my opinion when they are not used for their intended purpose. I once had a valance over a window made from an air filter wrapped with fabric. Thanks Trading Spaces for that mentality! A whole new shiny world can be opened up when you think outside the box.

Day 23. Time To Change.

In the spirit of the words of the famous Brady Bunch song..."when it's time to change, you've got to rearrange"....After 22 days in the classroom, some things were on my nerves. So on Thursday night, I went at it. Got rid of some things I wasn't using, rearranged a few things, etc. Very happy with the results. Feels much better!

We used the official "do the 5th day of school over the weekend" plan. I went through the homework with the kids and answered any questions. Of course, they can ask questions and I will work with them during the weekend. However, this way they have to do some planning of their own. I think its definitely something they need to be learning.

Cameron had a spontaneous sleep over with one of his bff's, Kyle. He went home after Sat night church service and I picked him up at 3:00 on Sunday afternoon. He will be playing catch up all week for not getting lesson 23 done over the weekend. It was well worth it, though. He needs his manly bonding time.

There is just 147 school days left until summer.


I am using primarily A Beka curriculum? Why? I am familiar with it and a lot of Christian schools use it. I love the fact that its Christ centered. Book titles are things like God's Gift of Language, Understanding God's World, etc.

I was able to order the grade level in a kit. I just checked 3 boxes: 4th grade, 5th grade, and k-4. I have heard its not the cheapest. I honestly did not price it out. I paid $1500 for all three kids. For the most part, I have been really happy with everything. It is broken down in to 170 days. All the lesson plans are done for you. Simply read and follow. In theory, it is fool proof.

Being completely new, I decided to go with this familiar system. The kids have learned with A Beka for years now. I thought about looking around, but honestly didn't even know what to look for. I used the energy and time into getting ready to teach, instead.

Oct 9, 2009

Day 22. Broken Dreams.

"Come in here, Tay...pick up my broken dream off the floor"...I yelled, completely amusing myself. In the impatient way I tweak decor at times, this dream plaque missed the opportunity of being nailed safely to the wall of the classroom. It was leaned. I wasn't sure it would live there permanently, so I risked it. It did not pay off.

Taylor ran into the room to see what was up. This is the child whom cried, at the age of 7, when we left Disneyland, because she felt like while she was there "all her dreams really COULD come true". A girl after my own heart. I asked her to take the plaque out to the trash for me. She sadly complied. On her way out the door I yelled "Take your broken dream to the trash, Taylor". She giggled. When did this sweet baby girl become a young lady able to comprehend ridiculous jokes that I make? It happened right before my eyes.

School went well today. Other than a shattered dream, it was without incident. Just how I like it best. Just 148 school days until summer.

Fun Room.

Appropriately named because all things messy happen here. Fortunately, we have this weird little entry way spot, with linoleum, right outside our classroom. The built in shelves hold the printer and the very important pencil sharpener. In addition, its the perfect spot for Emma to paint, do play dough, or any other ridiculously perilous activity.

The older two aren't getting why her school is so "fun". Emma is eating it up. I am just happy she isn't painting on our white rental carpet.

Today was the first time she painted on an easel. She said was so frustrated, as evident by this picture. She couldn't seem to manage the dripping factor. She overcame though. Fun was had eventually.

Oct 7, 2009

Day 21. All That Glitters.

As if this morning's disaster in language lessons wasn't enough, I had planned on doing a double day today. Two lessons of school work in one day. I was hoping that I could pull this off every so often, when needed. The kids had chill time in their room while Emma napped and around 3, we started into our first double day. It did work. We accomplished two days of school in one. It wasn't easy, but we did it.

The girls wore new shirts today that they got for winter. They have glitter....and now so does the rest of my house. It is everywhere. Love shirts like that. Gotta admit though, they are so stinkin' cute, it might be worth the clean up. Sparkly things are fun.

I really felt like the kids needed some one on one time. So, I took each one of them in the classroom while the other two stayed out and played. This worked really well and I am sure to do this often throughout the year. Much more time for me, but much better quality for them. When there are no distractions and I can really focus on each child, dare I say I actually enjoy the schoolwork. The sense of patriotism that wells up when you read the Declaration of Independence, the amazement in the way that God created all the animals, and the accomplishment when you find out that you diagrammed that darn sentence correctly, is a bit exhilarating. I don't care if it is elementary school work and I am 38. It's kinda nice to exercise this part of my brain.

Tomorrow we will wake up and do lesson 22. It was a long day, but what day isn't?! Now there is just 149 school days left until summer.

Yankee Candles.

I find it necessary to say that I think Yankee Candles smell delicious. Spiced Pumpkin is my all time favorite. Now that the weather is no longer in the hundreds, it is both fabulous and necessary that I bust out my Yankee Candle. It's in the classroom this year. Right on my desk. Makes me feel all warm and snuggly.

Day 20. And There Were Tears.

Today I crossed the line on having my first "inadequate teacher" moment. Not bad mom moment, but an actual lame teacher moment. I know this isn't rocket science, but the amount of information that I am trying to cram into my head in a matter of days is overwhelming at times. I feel like I need a year to learn how to do school, before I can even pretend to actually teach the concepts of three different grade levels to these kids. In a way, it reminds me of when the blessed doctors shut my epidural off, seconds before the pushing phase of delivery with Cameron. No easing into the pain. Just BAM...there it was. All of a sudden I have 3 kids staring at me with 3 curriculums and the options and opinions are endless. Not to mention there sits my stacks of teacher guides, text books, quiz books, test books, lesson plan books, etc. taunting me from the shelves. There are times that I want to throw them into my recently purchased 75% off fire pit from Target and make s'mores over them. Yum.

I didn't go to bed to almost morning last night, so when I woke up this morning, I sleep walked (is that a word?) my way to the classroom to begin school by 9. After about 40 minutes, the kids were finishing a language lesson and then copying their spelling words, Emma was safely tucked in on the couch watching an alphabet dvd. I thought it doable to sneak upstairs for a quick shower. I came back downstairs to a couple of crying kids and it wasn't even Emma. We stopped school and took a break. After a while, we sat down and talked about it. The bottom line is, I need to teach them more thoroughly. They were frustrated and not understanding their work. "Why didn't you ask me for help" was my first question? They didn't have a good answer and neither did I. Is that their responsibility to tell me, or my needed skill set to know? I think they both got confused on the particular lesson and started arguing. However, to add to the drama, I think I need a refresher course in nouns, verbs, and diagramming sentences. There is an exception to every rule, and an exception to the exception. It IS confusing I think!

We talked about the adjustment of school and the difference in learning. They seemed to feel better. The tears stopped anyway. We ate lunch together and now there is just 150 school days until summer.

The Project Box.

I have been going organizationally insane since my nine boxes of curriculum arrived. There are so many odd shape supplements in the form of flash cards, charts, and concept cards, and.... omg do I really need all this stuff? I have a tiny little friend who has a secret love for office supply stores like I do. While away in Reno, getting ready for the retreat this past weekend, we went to Office Max. Kinda pathetic, I know. However, it takes one to know one and we were thrilled.

I found this black and white wonder box complete with aqua folders on our shopping spree. Thirty minutes of bonding time with my label maker and....I have a pretty project box. Everything in the way of "teaching support" that was sent to me, is all in one place. I even can put a lid on it. I will sleep better tonight. I am sure of it.

I even discovered the answer to my homeschool planner saga...stay tuned on that one.....God bless Office Max.

Oct 5, 2009

Day 19. Are We There Yet?

I left Thursday after school, for our churches annual women's retreat. Day 19 of school was assigned on Th at noon and required to be done by Monday morning at 8:30. This is the second week that we tried this. The kids got it all done without an issue. Emma even learned to ride her bike without training wheels while I was gone!

When I was in high school, my youth pastor constantly talked about making memories. It kinda stuck with me.... My job at our church is Director of Events. It is about much more than that to me. It's about creating moments where people can connect with each other and connect with their Savior. Creating an environment where life change can happen. Our women's retreat is an amazing time of watching this take place. Memories that will last a lifetime were made. I love being a part of that.

The theme of this year's retreat was Are We There Yet? Ironic because I arrived home a full 24 hours after I was supposed to. After a long and rewarding three days away, we had finally packed up and were heading home. Four of us, were the last to leave the hotel. It was just a couple of hours after the rest of the ladies. Ten minutes into our trip, we were met with 27 degree weather and heavy snow. It was dark, late, and there was road construction. We were clearly about to be stranded in Truckee. Heading back to the hotel, we were given our rooms back at no extra charge. While the snow continued to fall outside, the four of us sat by the fire in our jammies, eating peanut buster parfaits from Dairy Queen and drinking big gulps from 7-11. We laughed until we hurt. It was magical. I will never forget it. I have worked with these ladies for three years on retreats and they are as amazing as it gets. I cherish them.

All too often, I think people tend to underestimate the value of the simple things. I am so thankful for that snowstorm. So thankful for those three amazing women. So thankful for the much needed, grown up, girl bonding. It refreshed me, energized me, and left me ready to come home and hit the books again. Now there is just 151 school days until summer.


I am finding that this a perfect way to display the kid's art projects in the classroom. Its 12 feet wide, so there is plenty of room. I purchased at Ikea for $19.99.

Oct 1, 2009

Day 18. One, two, buckle my shoe.

Seriously, time flies. You hear it all the time, but I can't believe how true it is. It seems like just yesterday my boy was entering K-4 at Shadow Mountain Baptist in Morgan Hill. Today, he is just weeks away from his 11th birthday and my 3rd child is in K-4. She is using the same curriculum so we have some matching school work. Emma was so very excited. She's a big girl and my baby boy is almost a teenager. WHAT?

The highlight of the day today was teaching Emma the poem 1, 2, buckle my shoe...Cameron learned this same poem in his k-4 year. They both have a little art project that shows pictures and numbers to help them recite this poem correctly. Emma has her own version, which is Shocking. She definately marches to the beat of her own drum. She is convinced it should say 9, 10 a big fat chicKEN. "It still rhymes, mom" she says...um, she's right...

Just 152 school days left until summer.