Feb 5, 2010

A Movie Night B-day.

We chose a Hannah Montana party for Emma's #5. Her b-day falls in late September. The usual rule with birthday parties in our house is one friend for every year you are old. However, if we go somewhere special for a party its usually one or two friends at most. 

With the recent release of the Hannah Montana movie on DVD...we lit up the fire pit and had an outdoor movie viewing party.

The timing was a bit tricky as we needed it to be dark to play the movie, so we did cake and presents first.

The cake was s'mores served on a Hannah Montana plate. Graham crackers, chocolate, marshmallows with some funky candles stacked up high. One of Emma's favorite desserts. All the kids took turns roasting their own marshmallows to make their own "cake".

One of Emma's favorite presents was a BFF necklace from her Sophia. Aww how she loves her.
It is all Sophia...all the time around here.

After that the girls kicked it on some sleeping bags with popcorn...

we were able to borrow the equipment to project Hannah on the big screen.

The girls all went home with Hannah Montana make up kits that I had saved from 90% off Christmas sales last year.

We had a great time. So simple. So fun. (and SO inexpensive!)

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