Nov 11, 2009

Day 37. Walk a Mile.

Today I slept in a bit as I have a ragin' cold. I hate colds. I think more than the flu. You feel absolutely awful, but not quite bad enough to stay in bed. Yuck. Emma has it too.

I was able to get the school work done with the kids today and cook lunch. Other than that, this day has been spent being as lazy as possible and just hanging around. I did accomplish giving the few people I talk to the most their own personalized ringtone on my phone. I got an iphone a few months ago and hadn't had a chance to do that yet. Not only is it fun, but its actually surprisingly useful. To know who is calling, will determine to what heroic measures I will take to get to my phone. I have just 11 more days of work left and then have a holiday week of Cameron's 11th bday, Thanksgiving, and my 15th wedding anniversary. Then of course the holiday's are upon us. A lot of things to look forward too!

I have ordered a book, "Homeschooling for Dummies". I was flipping through it the other day at Borders and it had some interesting things in it. Things that appear to be written from an advocate of Homeschool's perspective. Also, I will fully embrace the fact that when it comes to Homeschooling, I will consider myself a dummy! So, I fully intend to benefit from this piece of literature.

Homeschooling is quite the emotionally charged topic I am finding, the more involved I get with it. Not since I decided not to nurse two of my children have I been given so many unsolicited pieces of advice in all my life. I don't think education choice is a matter of right or wrong. It is a matter of what you as a parent, decide for your child. Be careful what opinions you offer up until you walk a mile in someone else's shoes, ya know? I also thought I would never be here. Not in a million years. But I am. God knows what He's doing. He made my kids and loves them more than I. He will provide and continue to guide my path.

There are just 133 school days left until summer.


  1. Darcy, you are right . . . nursing and homeschooling are always "hot topics." Unsolicited advice abounded when I made decisions regarding those two topics!
    My adventure in homeschooling lasted 6 years . . . 6 years longer than I ever imagined. The Lord has moved us on this year, but the joys and struggles homeschooling provided are never far from my mind.
    -Karen F.
    I'm praying for you, sister, as you work your way in obedience through the year!

  2. Did you get the book yet? If so, how is it? I've been overwhelmed with books. Just took 5 back to the library and have about 10 a girlfriend gave me.


Let me know what you think...I Love to hear from you!