Nov 18, 2009

Chill Time.

Chill time started in my house years ago. I don't remember when or how it got it's name, but it is an almost everyday happening in our world. I think it is actually more for me, then the kids. When the older two started outgrowing their nap time, I made up a quiet toy bucket that they could take on their bed for chill time. Now as they are 9 and almost 11, I don't make them sit on their bed anymore. However, they are to be in their room and not come out unless they are bleeding or throwing up. That's the actual rule.

Emma still naps for me. Hooray. She usually sleeps 1.5-2 hours each day. So, the kids have chill time while she is napping. When I started the school year this year, I did school sometimes in the afternoon and put Emma to bed in her "nap spot". Yeah, that's outlawed now. After just a short time homeschooling the inevitable claustrophobia has set in. I HAVE to have some down time each day. It's a must. So chill time/nap time is sacred. My hope for 2010 is I can join a great gym in town. It's $100 a month for me and the kids. However, that includes childcare, child classes like b-ball and cheerleading, and sanity for me. We shall see.......

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