Aug 31, 2009

How did I get here???

Tomorrow, I start my first day of homeschooling with my three lovelies. Cameron is 10 and will be in 5th grade, Taylor is 9 and will be in 4th, and Emma is 4 and will be in K-4. The kids have been at Bradshaw Christian School for the past 4 years. I could not be happier with the experiences we have had there. We Love it. For this year, we are staying home for two reasons~ Dave Ramsey and God.

Aww...Dave. I love him and I loathe him. We are heading for a debt free lifestyle. We have been on the cash only system for months. Its tough. We decided to bring our kids home and save all the tuition money for a year. Hopefully, bringing us to our goal.

And there is God. Back in April I was praying one morning and God clearly clearly said to me... you're homeschooling this year. For this year, for my family, this is what we need to do. More importantly, I believe this is what God has asked me to do. May, June, and parts of July (and August) have been spent throwing intermittent and suprisingly mild tantrums. This is going to be a huge change for my family and for me. My life is so full, I can not imagine how this makes sense. I have repeated 2 Peter 1:3 many times. If He has asked me to do this, its gonna work. I don't know how, but it will. So the kicking stopped and the embracing began. I now have a classroom instead of an office.

Tomorrow is the first day of school. Lunches will still be made in lunch boxes, pictures will be taken at the front door, three kids will be sitting at desks, and I get the honor and privilege of learning how to teach these three precious little ones for the next 170 days of school....


  1. Faith in action - how cool! God will surely honor your courage and wisdom! I'll be following your journey!

    2 Peter 1:3 ROCKS!

  2. good for you, darcy. michele (mostly) and i homeschooled our two girls through 8th and 6th grades, and it was a wonderful experience. i don't think it's for everyone, but i can say that it really turned out well for us. the girls got a superior education, and michele bonded with them in ways that just didn't happen before that. it also led to a deep friendship between our girls that continues to this day.

    i hope you will find that the flexible schedule of homeschooling actually makes your hectic schedule seem more doable, not less.

    let us know how everything turns out.

  3. I'm taking off on the same journey! (Lukas for Kindergarten and Haylee for Preschool) I'm excited and nervous but trusting God 100% It will be fun to see how the Lord directs our steps!
    Monica Albaugh


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